The New Year Brings Some New Catman Bobbin’ Heads

While the pandemic is continuing to bog down much of the United States and Canada it hasn’t done much to slow down Matt “The Catman” Hirsch.

Hirsch is continuing to come out with new bobbin’ heads and this week he revealed a Michael Jordan figurine that he created. Starting with the bobbin’ heads he has put together a new and nifty Chief Wahoo that celebrates the entirety of the Cleveland franchise from its inception through the end of the 2021 season. The latest version of the Wahoo features a gold base and has him wearing a crown.

“It was something I had never done before, putting a crown on a bobbin’ head,” Hirsch said. “I just thought it would be a neat idea. I love putting the old stadiums on the base and a couple of other different images. I have their old depiction that they used in the 50s and the newer one and on the back I have the two World Championships.”

Additionally, Hirsch is also the making the Toronto Blue Jays mascot with a crown. He has made one of each thus far and doesn’t plan to make more than 10 of each. The Blue Jay features a depiction of Exhibition Stadium with the wording from the song ‘Okay Blue Jays Let’s Play Ball”.

He also did a Spokane Indians prototype with more of a pinkish brown paint. He put the Spokane logo on the sleeve, which is similar to the one used by the Braves when they played in Milwaukee. That piece is a one-of-a-kind.

Another bobbin’ head in the works is a Hank Aaron Negro Leagues piece featuring him with the Indianapolis Clowns. That will be limited to five pieces.

As for the Jordan, it is an 11-inch statue and is currently the only one he has made. He is undecided as to whether he will make any more.

“This is just me doing something different,” Hirsch said. “That is my favorite Bulls uniform, the red one. It reminds me of the Blackhawks.”

And, finally, he recently produced a one-off Aaron Rodgers set of four bobbin’ heads.

“I haven’t done many of Aaron Rodgers and he had a great season; he’ll probably be the MVP,” Hirsch said. “And, I haven’t done the Packers in a while. Each base is different and I think they’re pretty cool.”

For more information about these and other bobbin’ heads contact Hirsch at

Published by The Bobblist

My name is Kevin Czerwinski and I am a sportswriter/college professor in New York. I have been collecting bobbleheads for nearly 20 years and have recently become more involved in online chats, swap groups and raffles for bobbleheads. I primarily collect baseball but enjoy talking about and seeing new nodders.

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